Sunday, October 31, 2010

Details of 7 NGO representatives working on CMDRR in West Bengal

        Click on the link representatives of 7 NGOs in CU-B’desh training, to get the details the representatives of 7 NGOs participated in training cum workshop on Community Managed Disaster Risk Reduction (CMDRR) and Participatory Disaster Risk Assessment (PDRA) from 26 – 30 October 2010 in Seva Kendra, Kolkata, and was organized by Concern Universal-Bangladesh.


  1. Wish the best success

    To ensure Rights for all
    save a bit, reserve, preserve, conserve resources
    Let’s achieve significant change in mindset, behavior and attitude combat Climate Crisis, Reduce Risk & Poverty, save Bio-diversity – Peace for Humanity

    Way to Combat Climate Crisis, save Bio-diversity, Reduce Risk of Humanity
    sasrai - work locally-serve globally, initiative local-outcome global

  2. Please Keep a hand written sasrai-Movement Poster --- in any discussion area

    Let’s have zeal to self tune in sasrai-Movement policy and be committed to save resource and reduce solid waste in our daily living - no matter how small it is. Plz relentless to voice from each corner across the globe
     Please, save a drop of water daily, during all water related activities
     Please, plant at least a Native tree annually in own home or in the community
     Please, keep off electric appliances one minute daily
     Please, suspend travel by personal car once a day
     Please, keep a day in a week luxury free
     Please, do not throw away the waste wherever you like
     Please, No more junk food
     Please, save one minute to think on Climate Change and Environment
     You Can Reduce CO2 Emissions, Plant Native Trees Worldwide
     You could uphold the movement instantly using sasrai-Movement appeal at the bottom of your all printed material
    Let’s be a desired friend to all living body, humanity, environment and earth

    Let's we try to save one Taka/dollar/pound/yen ............FROM daily LUXURY combat the CLIMATE CHANGE and the sequences

  3. sasrai ONLY THE PATH TO SAVE MOTHER PLANET EARTH, NATURE. It’s only the path to Eliminate Racial Discrimination - End violence against WOMEN and CHILDREN. sasrai only the path to end POVERTY, VULNERABILITY, HUNGER, DISASTER, CLIMATE Threat. Each second, minute, hour day needed to be spent considering earth, environment and humanity. We must get each child caring to each particle of food and resources. Wish the Peace, Justice, Dignity and Rights for all - save a bit, reserve, preserve, rejuvenate and conserve resources.

    sasrai – sustainable augmentation, solicited restraint, animated integrity
    sasrai – work locally-serve globally, initiative local-outcome global
