Sunday, October 31, 2010

List of 67 partner NGOs

       Click on the link LIST OF 67 partners NGOS to get the list of 67partner Non Governmental Organizations working on “Capacity Strengthening on Community Managed Disaster Risk Reduction (CMDRR) & Climate Change Adaptation” Project – under the technical guidance of Concern Universal – Bangladesh.


  1. I really thank my good friend Nilangshu for his initiative...lets start with learning and sharing form each other...regards Noel

  2. I really appreciate the initiative taken by Nilangshu. Thanks to Nilangshu


  3. Congratulation!
    This is a nice events for NGOs in South Asia to share the ideas, thought and learnings from grassrots.

    Thanks for nice events. ISDE Bangladesh with you for next journey.

    S M Nazer Hossain

  4. Rural Poor Development Organization (RPDO) started to work with River-Bank Erosion aspect in most Vulnerable point of Tangail District. RPDO selected Durgapur Union as most Vulnerable for River Bank Erosion. RPDO Conduct a community Meeting on Durgapur union, Alipur bazar, Kalihati Upazila we find out, Seven Village are most Vulnerable in Durgapur union, though Community create social Mapping. In that area nearly 55 thousands people are surviving with River Bank Erosion in each year. Before The Jamuna River Bridge established Durgapur Union were not affected so much as they are affected in this days.
    That Community is going though huge complexity.

    Posted by

    MD.Shoeb Lincoln
    Junior Assistant Manager
    Rural Poor Development Organization (RPDO)
    East Adalot Para, Green Road,
    Tangail, Bangladesh

  5. Really nice blog.Thanks to Mr Nilangshu for his initiative .

    Shahabuddin Panna

  6. To ensure Rights for all
    Let’s we all have significant change in mindset, behavior and attitude
    save a bit, reserve, preserve, conserve resources

    Dear Friends
    Scholars, Intelligentsia, outstanding professionals from government, business, finance, journalism, NGOs and other fields......................................................
    a. get together - Help the sasrai-Movement within Your limit
    b. have initiative to serve the cause through your network
    Keep a hand written sasrai-Movement Poster --- in any discussion area

    Let’s have zeal to self tune in sasrai-Movement policy and be committed to save resource and reduce solid waste in our daily living - no matter how small it is. Plz relentless to voice from each corner across the globe
     Please, save a drop of water daily, during all water related activities
     Please, plant at least a Native tree annually in own home or in the community
     Please, keep off electric appliances one minute daily
     Please, suspend travel by personal car once a day
     Please, keep a day in a week luxury free
     Please, do not throw away the waste wherever you like
     Please, No more junk food
     Please, save one minute to think on Climate Change and Environment
     You Can Reduce CO2 Emissions, Plant Native Trees Worldwide
     You could uphold the movement instantly using sasrai-Movement appeal at the bottom of your all printed material
    Let’s be a desired friend to all living body, humanity, environment and earth
    Let's we try to save one Taka/dollar/pound/yen ............FROM daily LUXURY combat the CLIMATE CHANGE and the sequences

    save a bit, reserve, preserve, conserve resources
    sasrai - work locally-serve globally, initiative local-outcome global

  7. As individuals, there are so many things we can do to lessen our water consumption - and save cash in the process too!
    Here are some brief and simple tips most of us can apply:
    01. Shorter showers with less pressure
    02. Install a water saving shower head - under $10
    03. Ensuring taps, water pipes and hose connections don't drip
    04. Checking toilets for leaks. Use a few drops of food coloring in the cistern, wait for a while and check the bowl for signs of color - be sure to flush afterwards prevent staining.
    05. Buy clothing made with fibers that aren't so water intensive; such as hemp
    06. Installing rainwater tanks or even just a small rain barrel
    07. Using greywater from sinks and washing machines to water the garden
    08. Using low water car washes
    09. Installing tap aerators
    10. Turning off the tap while brushing our teeth
    11. Turning off the tap while shaving
    12. Washing veggies in a sink partially filled with water instead of under a running tap
    13. Setting washing machines at the lowest possible water level for the load
    14. Watering gardens just after sunrise or just after sunset to reduce evaporation
    15. Mulching gardens to reduce watering requirements
    16. Installing drip irrigation systems
    17. Cutting grass a little longer during summer
    18. Reducing the temperature of water heaters which lessens the amount of mixing needed to be done in order to achieve a temperature that won't scald your skin
    19. Insulate water pipes
    20. Installing dual flush toilets or displacement devices in cisterns
    21. Fill a dishwasher completely before running it
    22. Don't use water to accelerate thawing of food
    23. Instead of using a sink rubbish disposal unit, establish a compost pile or worm farm
    24. Use drought tolerant plants in your garden and drought resistant grass for lawn
    25. Never use a hose to blast leaves or litter off a driveway - sweep it, it's good exercise too :)
    While saving a gallon here and there may not seem like much; bear in mind that every small action when multiplied millions of times can make a huge impact. For example, if every person in America reduced consumption by 100 gallons per year, and it's not that hard to do - that would represent a saving of nearly 30 billion gallons of water annually. If everyone in the USA did the same that would translate to over 300 billion gallons!

    We really undervalue water when you consider humans can go for weeks without food, but only days without water. The amazing thing is, we only need a few litres (a gallon or so) a day through our food and directly to sustain ourselves. Added that, to maintain hygiene, we only need about 25 litres (6 gallons) a day in total. In developed countries, we currently use 500-800 litres (125 to 200 gallons) per day per person!

  8. How To Use Urine as a Fertilizer
    Every day, gardeners across the world flush away a valuable and sustainable source of fertilizer for their plants -- urine. Urine is a good source of nitrogen and other minerals and, providing it is used correctly, is completely safe. Using urine as a fertilizer saves money, fossil fuels (used extensively in the production of chemical fertilizers) and water (no need to flush!).

    Using urine also cuts down on river pollution -- urine is a major source of nitrogen that contributes to river eutrophication if expensive denitrification is not used at the water treatment plant. And it's not a backwards step, it's space age technology -- NASA has used urine in hydroponics systems!
    a. Keep it separate. The golden rule with urine use is to keep it separate from other bodily wastes. Urine is clean and needs to be kept that way. Pee in a bottle, or invest in a urine-separating toilet.
    b. Use it fresh. We all know that stale urine smells. That's ammonia, and it's made from nitrogen. The smellier your collected urine, the less nutritious it will be for your plants, as well as being unpleasant to apply.
    c. Always dilute. Urine is too strong to be used neat on plants. Dilute at least 5:1, and it can be diluted up to 10:1 for use on tender plants and seedlings.
    Using urine as a fertilizer saves money, fossil fuels (used extensively in the production of chemical fertilizers) and water (no need to flush!).
    Here are the golden rules for using human urine as a fertilizer....
    a. Keep it separate. The golden rule with urine use is to keep it separate from other bodily wastes. Urine is clean and needs to be kept that way. Pee in a bottle, or invest in a urine-separating toilet.
    b. Use it fresh. We all know that stale urine smells. That's ammonia, and it's made from nitrogen. The smellier your collected urine, the less nutritious it will be for your plants, as well as being unpleasant to apply.
    c. Always dilute. Urine is too strong to be used neat on plants. Dilute at least 5:1, and it can be diluted up to 10:1 for use on tender plants and seedlings.
    d. Water at the roots. It's good practice when watering not too splash the leaves, but to water at the roots. This saves on evaporation, and dry leaves are much more resistant to disease.
    e. Spread it around. Urine can be salty, and using too much of it in one place can harm plants. Use it throughout your garden so no one area suffers from an overdose, and don't use it every time you water a plant.
    f. Feed hungry plants. The plants that will benefit most from urine fertilizer are the ones with the highest nitrogen requirements. Try it on leafy vegetables like cabbages and cauliflowers, corn, or anything that needs a quick pick-me-up.
    g. Neat urine can be used as a weedkiller; a few applications, especially if used on hot days, should finish off your weeds. It can also be used neat as a winter spray for fruit trees, to discourage fungal diseases.
    h. Urine is a great compost activator. The nitrogen in urine will speed up the composting process and kick start a slumbering heap.

  9. Make trees a watering priority
    Grass may die, but it grows back quickly, whereas a tree may take decades to grow. Trees also provide protection from the harsh sun for other plants and can reduce ground temperatures in a garden substantially. If you have to choose between watering your lawn and watering your trees; prioritize the latter.
    Consider a rainwater tank
    Given the amount of water gardens require; consider adding a rainwater catchment system to your property - it can help act as added insurance for a reasonable supply of water during the dry months or when your local authorities introduce restrictions.
    There's all sorts of rain water tanks and barrels available to suit your premises, ranging from holding a few dozen gallons, to thousands.

  10. Plant selection
    When you're next shopping for plants for your garden, consider not only your area's current rainfall, but what's projected for the future. In many regions of the world, rainfall is dropping; so a plant that might get by fine now without additional watering may not do so in the future.
    Many sprinklers throw out fine droplets and on a hot day, these droplets simply evaporate. While your garden gets some water, much is lost. Look to buy a sprinkler that throws water closer to the ground in large drops
    Drip irrigation
    This can save you a ton of water. Drip irrigation (aka trickle irrigation or micro-irrigation) consists of a series of pipes with drippers hanging off them that deliver water directly to where it's needed. Given the targeted nature of the delivery, far less water has to be used. Using a special piercing device on the main pipe, you can attach drippers exactly where you need them and you can plug the hole at a later date if need be. The equipment is simple, easily scalable, pretty cheap and durable and can be purchased at most hardware stores and nurseries.
    Tip: when using drip irrigation, you'll need to check the drippers regularly as they can get clogged with water-borne particles, particularly when used with a greywater or blackwater recycling system. Birds also have a tendency to move the dripper hoses as they forage.

  11. Ant eradication tips
    Unfortunately, some times you'll need to eradicate the ants rather than deter them. A couple of greener ways to do it:
    A mixture of 1/8 teaspoon of powdered borax and sugar or honey will attract and kill ants. This is a mixture that is often used in commercial ant-specific products. Worker ants take it back to the nest and pass it onto other ants, killing the colony. While borax in small quantities is relatively harmless to larger animals, in big enough doses it can kill, so be cautious about placement and keep out of reach of pets and children.
    A reader reported using dry grits to kill ants; a non-toxic strategy she's used with success for 20 years. The theory behind it is that the ants eat the grits and when they drink water the grits expand in their stomachs, killing them.

  12. Gardening for climate change

    We've had a couple of plants mysteriously die on us this year - well established trees just giving up the ghost all of a sudden. Even though we're in drought, they have plenty of water and nutrients thanks to our blackwater recycling system. It's really odd - I guess I could just blame it on global warming, but it may also be poor care of these plants on my part. I'm not by any means a master gardener - more of an "oops, that *wasn't* a weed?" sort of guy :). Still, I thoroughly appreciate a nice garden even if my plant identification needs a little work.
    As I type this, the temperature here is 34 degrees Celsius (93.2 degrees Fahrenheit). At 6 am it was 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees Fahrenheit). It's unseasonally warm given we're only in the middle of spring. We've had total fire bans here in South Australia well before the fire danger season officially commenced - even fire warnings in winter. I noticed some tree species blooming a couple of weeks earlier and birds nesting sooner. Bugs that would usually have been knocked on the head during the colder months seemed to have not skipped a beat.
    I often ponder what the years ahead hold for the average suburban gardener given that climate change is no longer a far off possibility - it's very real and it's happening now. This is particularly relevant to those who are currently building and will be starting their gardens from scratch. Investing a stack of cash into a new garden that's not designed to stand up to a changing climate could be a very expensive and disappointing mistake.

  13. Please let’s we all be kind to the Flood Victim- Donate as maximum as possible from our daily consumption. Just one day fuel cost of all private vehicle across the globe could help lot for those home, food and shelter less children, Mother
    Just Avoid one day fuel cost of all private vehicle across the globe
    Let’s we all be caring to the nature.

  14. Earth friendly air freshener tips
    Majority of air fresheners you buy in the supermarket do not destroy odors, but simply mask them. They create a coating on your nasal membranes that fool your brain into thinking that the smell has gone. As for those air fresheners that claim to kill bacteria, our bacteria paranoia is leading us to kill good bacteria while creating strains of drug resistant bad bacteria. While anti-bacterial air fresheners have their place, they should really be limited to hospital environments in most cases.
    Green commercial air fresheners
    Thankfully, some manufacturers are responding to consumer concerns regarding the health and environmental issues associated with these products and commercial "green" air fresheners can be purchased. Still, be wary of these products - a common trick companies play is to say something along the lines of "contains natural pine scent", which it may well do - but what about the other ingredients? Check the labels and if the label is unclear, contact the company for a complete ingredient list.
    Alternatively, you can try search for the product's MSDS online. An MSDS is a
    Here are a few tips for greener ways to help keep your home smelling fresh. Of course, be cautious of how you use some of these ideas if you have young children or pets scurrying around the house.
    - A simple one, but improving air circulation outside to inside will do wonders. Open windows when you can.
    - A tablespoon of salt in a half an orange with the flesh scooped out. I'm told this is a good one for the toilet.
    - 1 to 2 teaspoons natural vanilla extract placed in small containers around your home
    - Pot pourri made from lavender, roses or whatever scented plants and flowers you may have in your garden.
    - Use baking soda to soak up acidic odors; also great for ash trays
    - Baking soda can also be used as a spray - one teaspoon dissolved in cup of water and then sprayed as a fine mist.
    - Use vinegar to neutralize alkaline odors. Yes, vinegar is a little smelly itself to start off with, but the initial pong quickly fades.
    - A couple of drops of essential oil in an atomizer/mister full of water sprayed around (bear in mind this only masks the smell rather than neutralizing it)
    - A couple of drops of essential oil on a cotton ball place in inconspicuous places around a room
    - Placing citrus fruit or cinnamon in a pot with water and simmer gently (rather energy resource intensive though)
    - If you have extraction fans in the kitchen or toilet, ensure the screens are kept clean. If you haven't cleaned yours for a while, try it out and I guarantee the difference will amaze you.
    - Treating the cause rather than the symptom is always a preferred strategy. For example, pet bedding can create an awful stink and while it may not be viable to wash it every week, simply putting it out in the sun regularly and giving it a good shake will help.
    Have any tips or recipes for a more natural air freshener? Please share your ideas below!

    Since compost is such an important aspect of organic gardening, lets take a look at some more ideas.

    What is the exact definition of composting? Composting is the microbial decomposition of organic wastes under controlled conditions. The end product should be artificial manure, acceptable for use in the garden as a soil amendment and nutrient source (fertilizer).

    In today's environment, all gardeners should make and use compost to help recycle yard waste, thus producing a free-energy source while keeping these wastes out of over-burdened landfills.

    Making Compost at Home
    There are many systems for constructing and managing a compost pile. To make ideal compost, the composter should strive to reach a correct balance of air, water, and temperature in the compost pile.

    A small compost pile measuring 3'x3'x3' (1 cubic yard), called a "compost unit," is easily made.

    * Build larger piles by putting together several units into a single bin.
    * Construct a bin with sides made from untreated lumber, concrete blocks, wire or other durable materials.
    * Make successive 12 thick layers of plant waste such as leaves, lawn clippings, shredded branches, and wood chips.
    * Distribute one cup of dolomite and 1 qt chicken litter per unit onto each layer.
    * Moisten each layer, then keep pile moist.
    * Thoroughly mix the compost pile after 3 to 4 weeks, and every week thereafter.
    * Compost should be ready for use in 2 to 12 months, or when plant parts are decomposed.

    How to Apply Organic Soil Amendments
    Animal manures, fresh with minimum litter

    * Annually spread 1 lb/sq ft within the bedding area, mix in soil to 6 depth. Wait 10 to 14 days before planting.
    * Semi-annually if a garden is to be planted in a successive season, reapply at the reduced rate of ½ lb/sq ft; mix and wait as before.
    * Side-dressing Add the solid form or manure tea as a side-dressing at mid-season on long season crops like tomato. Manure tea is made by mixing up to equal amounts of poultry manure and water.
    * Plant hole application For single plant application, thoroughly mix the manure in the planting hole 10 to 14 days before planting to prevent burning the roots. Adjust amount according to size of plant grown; for example, tomatoes - 4 lbs per hole; herbs - 1 lb per hole.

    Note. Plant injury due to fertilizer root burn may be greatly reduced or eliminated by mixing the animal manure with compost prior to planting (1:1 ratio). In this manner, you may apply and plant immediately.

    Composted yard waste
    Annually spread and mix well into soil up to 2 lb/sq ft. Supplement with animal manure at rate of 1 lb/sq ft. You may plant immediately or wait a few days.

    Semi-annually if a garden is to be planted in a successive season, a second application of composted yard waste may be applied, but at the reduced amount of 1 lb/sq ft. Supplement with animal manure as before (1 lb/sq ft).

    Note: Side-dressing is not suggested for adding to a growing crop.

    Note: If composted yard waste is used alone, plant stunting will occur. Following 2 to 3 years of "aging" in the soil, however, plant growth should improve noticeably. For best results, always supplement your composted yard waste with organic garden fertilizer.

  16. Person crossed 65 Should stay in her/his own Village

    Dear Friends
    Please join for contribution in Creating Climate Responsible Community and Climate Responsible Development across the Globe.
    Essay Competition - Person crossed 65 Should stay in her/his own Village aimed at
    a. Environment
    b. Rural Development
    c. Comprehensive Development of the nation
    d. Food and health for poor
    e. Mass Education
    f. Flow of modern facilities in rural area

    NB. Please forward the message as maximum as possible

  17. Subject: Launch Discussion - Person Crossed Age 65 must stay in own village

    Dear Friends
    My earnest request - to launch a discussion globally. Person crossed 65 having retirement (as per law bind in Bangladesh) must stay in her/his own village.
    I believe it will contribute in different way
     Environment
     Rural Development
     Comprehensive Development of the nation
     Food and health for poor
     Mass Education and Flow of modern thought in development
     Reduce disparity between Rural and Urban facilities

    Through this initiative benefit hope to
     Individual
     Villager
     Urban
     Government Official
     Political Leader
     National

    Totality could contribute
     Good governance
     Food Security
     Implementation of Innovative thought and Idea
     Reduce Poverty
     Comprehensive Development
     Social harmony
